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Tom Crean Educational Resources

I am Tim Foley, the author of Crean - The Extraordinary Life of an Irish Hero, a comprehensive biography of Tom Crean, the Irish explorer who served under Captain Robert Falcon Scott and Sir Ernest Shackleton on three early 20th century expeditions to Antarctica.

I am Tim Foley, the author of Crean - The Extraordinary Life of an Irish Hero, a comprehensive biography of Tom Crean, the Irish explorer who served under Captain Robert Falcon Scott and Sir Ernest Shackleton on three early 20th century expeditions to Antarctica.
Tom Crean Word Search sheet

Tom Crean Word Search sheet

I created this word search resource to help children familiarise themselves with terms related to Tom Crean’s story. In the slide show presentation I created to tell his story to children, the words incorporated into this word search sheet are among the most frequent I use and discuss with the children. For those who may not be familiar with Crean’s story, there are a couple of the words in here, such as Hoosh and Gortacurraun, that may have you wondering just what they are. To explain, Gortacurraun is the townland a mile or so outside of Annascaul village in County Kerry, where Tom Crean was born and Hoosh is the name explorers gave to the mix of pemmican, dried biscuits, fat and water blended to form a nutritional stew that maintained and helped energy levels of explorers. Apparently it’s yukky but I confess to never trying it nor having the desire to do so in the future. I once assumed that young children may be left confused by some of words like some of those I’ve added but in my experience of telling his story to little ones, they do learn quickly to understand the meanings once they’ve been explained to them. Word search exercises are also a great tool to assist children with their spelling. I hope you find this a useful resource and please leave a review.